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Privacy Policy

Personal Information: Personal data is collected when a guest makes a booking by phone, email or through the website and requests information.This data may include: Name, last names, phone number, address, e-mail, birth date, an image of  a personal Id card and payment method information.

All information will be used only for administrative and internal matters and to communicate with guests regarding their booking and stay. No data will be shared with third parties.

Reservation Policy

All persons staying in Rooms Huatulco are subject to the General Rules of the building, which are considered a contract. Rooms Huatulco reserves the right of admission and permanence in the building. It is the responsibility of each Guest to read and oblige by these rules.

The rates published on this Site are valid only on the day of their quotation and are subject to change without prior notice. The rates shown are guaranteed upon receipt of the corresponding payment. All reservations are subject to availability. A reservation is considered completed when you have a confirmation number and the corresponding charge has been applied.

By booking online or by phone, you authorize the use of the credit card number provided to make the payment, expressly confirming that you know and accept our reservation, payment, disclaimer and cancellation policies. All changes to a reservation are subject to availability and rate re-quoting.

These policies also apply to cancel reservations made in fixed payments.

Payment Policy

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Paypal as a payment method. If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, contact us by email:

The amount corresponding to the reservation will be charged immediately to your credit card. Rates shown in Mexican pesos will be charged in Mexican pesos. The billing of all services will be made from 24 to 72 hours after having completed the total payment of the requested services.

Check-In & Check-Out:

Check-In time is fixed at 4:00pm.

Check-Out time is at 12:00pm of the day of departure.


Should the guest require an extension of the Check-Out time, it must be requested and approved by Rooms Huatulco at leat 48 hours prior to departure. In case the apartment has not been vacated at the mentioned time, an extra fee will be charged according to the current day rate and the room will be vacated depositing the luggage/belongings in a place designated by the administration without responsibility for the contents.

Any extensions of your stay must be negotiated in advance by email: and are otherwise not guaranteed.

In case your arrival will happen after 9:00pm plese notify us via email:

Building Rules

  • No guest has the right to accomodate or allow the use of the building facilities to people not in the apartment reservation or without written consent of the administration. Any loss or damage caused will be the responsibility of the guest on the reservation.

  • Smoking is forbidden in all building premises including inside the apartments and the common areas.

  • The use of drugs  and narcotics is strictly forbidden in al building premises including inside the apartments and the common areas.

  • It is forbidden to remove towels from any apartment. Pool towels will be at your disposal at the pool area.

  • Please note that the use of the pool and facilities is at your own risk, no lifeguard is available in the pool area.

  • Noise derived from music or chat in the apartments and common area must be kept to a minimum after 10pm so as not to disturb other guests.

  • The administration may reserve the right of admission to the building when guests present themselves in an inconvenient state such as drunkenness or under the influence of drugs. 

  • Out of respect to our environment, please turn off unused lights and electrical appliances and verify that water taps are closed, specially when leaving the apartment.

  • Guests must make sure that all windows, doors and balconies are properly closed and locked before leaving the apartment for any amount of time, Rooms Huatulco is not responsible for the loss of property derived from theft due to windows/doors/balconies left open.

  • Pets are not allowed in the building.

  • Children under 16 years of age are not allowed in the building.

  • Please do not open or tamper with the circuit breaker box (unless there is an emergency such as fire) or unplug Wi-Fi, routers, lamps or any fixed appliances.

  • Mosquitoes, insects and lizards are common in Huatulco and there is nothing to do against it.

  • Rooms Huatulco is not responsible for events derived from natural causes such as but not limited to hurricanes, storms, floods, earthquakes or fires.

  • Please send us any comments, suggestions, reports of anomalies or improper behavior via email: or whatsapp: +52 811-639-1877. We will always do our best to help you and make your stay as enjoyable as possible.

Cancellation Policy

10 days or more prior to Check-In: The guest is entitled to a full refund minus a 3.5% administrative fee over the booking total that is not refundable.

Less than 10 days prior to Check-In: The first night of stay will be charged plus a 3.5% administrative fee over the booking total for the rest of the days that is not refundable

In the case the guest does not show up during the first night the reservation will be considered as Cancelled and no refund is applicable. ​


In the case of early departure by the guest no refund is available.​


Natural events and disasters such as but not limited to hurricanes, cyclones, storms, earthquakes, rain do not cause a change in the Cancellation Policies.


The refund is returned within 10 days only via transfer to a Mexican bank account or via Paypal for international bookings. Any additional fee charged by either Paypal or Banks is not responsability of Rooms Huatulco.

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